Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Loving God, we praise you who did not
close yourself away in a distant chamber of eternity,
but pierced through the veil of our world,
and became incarnate, pouring love and grace
into a human body, and lighting a flame in the darkness.

Dear Jesus, by the strength and pain of a woman
did you catch your first breath.
Humility was your birth clothing and poverty your manger.
There you lay, a stable cradling the heart of creation and the breath of life.
Prince of Peace, you who were known first
not by princes and powers but by shepherds,
with faces coarsened by the wind and hands
calloused with years of toil.
You wore the mantle of mortal life,
taking up our infirmities and carrying our sorrows.

Beloved Spirit, you drew that sacred star across the night sky,
light leading to light.
You danced on the hymns of the angels
and led the eastern men to the child Sophia,
the holy source wisdom.

Let us not become complacent with the
comforting ornaments of our religion,
but disturb us, unsettle us, challenge us,
and realise in us the transformative promise
of your Christmas coming.
Forgive us when we fail to live out the radical charity
and generosity that you call us to from your manger.
Have mercy on us when we close our hearts to the stranger,
when we give to those who are rich, and leave little for the poor.
Forgive us when we forget you in our preoccupation, our busyness and distraction.

Spread your mercy wide, for you have not come
to condemn the world, but to save it.
Lift every valley, and make every mountain low.
Though we may go astray like sheep, call to us, and gather us in.

In the name of Christ, Amen.

Friends, in the light of God’s coming,
we say with confidence and thanksgiving, our sin is forgiven.
Thanks be to God.

Daniel Broadstock, offered for worship 31/12/17

Prayers of the People

God among us, our sign of hope, we pray for our world.
As we look back over the past year,
we remember the suffering we have seen, and the signs of hope:
Destruction due to war, conflict over land, or natural disasters,
Famine in Somalia and South Sudan,
The work of many aid organisations and individuals,
Increasing gun violence and terror attacks,
Increased awareness of domestic violence and sexual harassment.
People speaking out even in the face of difficulty.
The displacement of thousands of refugees,
The imprisonment of refugees by our own government.
The witness of Love Makes A Way and others who shine a light on injustice.
God among us, our sign of hope, we look forward to your reign,
Lift up the powerless,
Bring peace,
Help us to share our resources,
Replace fear with love.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.

God among us, our sign of hope, we pray for our church.
As we look back over the past year,
we remember the difficult things brought to light, and the signs of hope:
The horrors revealed by the royal commission into child sexual abuse.
The people who have joined our community and those who have moved.
The joy of celebrating 10 years of the Olive Way.
The 40th anniversary of the formation of the Uniting Church.
Our review of the mission of our congregation.
God among us, our sign of hope, we look forward to your reign,
Give our leaders a strong vision,
Raise up the people needed to carry it out.
Help all churches develop a safe culture for the vulnerable.
Guide our National Uniting Church as it prepares for Assembly in July.
Help us to speak and to learn from each other when opinions differ.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.

God among us, our sign of hope, we pray for our friends, family and community.
As we look back over the past year,
we remember our griefs and pains, and the signs of hope:
Your presence in our loneliness,
Healing for those who have been sick,
Times when you have brought light in our darkness.
Times when we have been able to be a light and strength to others.
We remember those who have died,
We lift up those who are mourning.
God among us, our sign of hope, we look forward to your reign,
Bring healing to the sick,
Give purpose to those who are lost,
Comfort to those who grieve.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray all these things in the name of Christ,
who came as a child, bringing hope to all the world.

Natalie Sims, offered for worship 31/12/17