Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Loving, nurturing God, you reveal yourself to us
in the everyday glory of your creation.
In the miraculous generosity,
love and strength of those around us,
in the abundance of nature,
the field, the rainforests, oceans and lakes.
We marvel at your glorious call
for us to receive your new life,
and yet we often choose not to embrace it.

Wise one, you know our suffering, our hurts and grieving
that warps our understanding of your everlasting love.
We confess that at times it is hard to see you
in the creations in our lives,
in a world where we are always receiving
news of pain and hardship it can be easy
to fall into this melancholy.
Rather than answer your call
to see the divine around and in us,
we are tempted to retreat.

Help us to know that we have been made in your reflection,
strong and ready to trust your call, to share your radical love.
Help us to know that you have,
do and always will hold us, know us and keep us.

Even when we find a home
in our familiar pain and remorse,
you call us to trust you to explore your creation.
Your love and trust in us is greater than we can understand,
still we receive your joy.

Hear the word of grace: Our sin is forgiven. Thanks be to God

Anika Jensen, offered for worship 21/1/2o18

Prayers of the People

Creator God we pray for our home, the beautiful complex
and glorious creation you have blessed us with.
We offer our sadness at the destruction of so much
that is extraordinary and Iife giving
We grieve for lost land and species,
Our hearts ache for people who have been
driven from the only homes they’ve ever known
forced to settle in crowded camps,
in unwelcoming communities
with little hope of ever returning home.
We give thanks for people and organizations
striving constantly to find answers and solutions.
We give thanks for the inspiration of your word
that takes us from the place of despair
to a place of hope for renewal.

Compassionate Christ we pray for our church, our spiritual home.
We offer our sadness for the destructive path
that religion has taken down through the ages
leading the church far from the path
that Jesus first trod with his disciples.
We grieve for the people whose faith
has been destroyed by those who have
abused their positions of power
Our hearts ache for church communities
who see their numbers dwindling wondering
what their future holds,
for people who have turned away
and are seeking to find a way back home.
We give thanks for all the people who offer
their gifts and skills in the leadership of the church.
We pray for our president Stuart, our moderator Sharon,
our presbytery leaders, our ministry team Ian, Peter and Anika,
for Caitlin as she leads our children and families ministry,
for our elders who offer leadership within our congregation.

Holy Spirit, breath of joy and hope we pray for each other
and for all who share life with us in our homes,
our extended families, our various communities and workplaces.
We offer our sadness for all those who have no home,
or whose homes are not places of love and harmony.
Our hearts ache for people who are lonely, grieving or unwell,
for those who are looking for work
or whose work is not satisfying and life giving.
We give thanks for all who open their homes
in welcome to ease the loneliness of others,
for the olive way ministry offering a home
and a community during the week,
the ASWC offering a home and
place of welcome for asylum seekers.
We give thanks for each other as we offer our gifts,
responding to Jesus call to follow him.

Saide Cameron, offered for worship 21/1/2018