Prayers of Adoration & Confession

God of mystery and wonder in times beyond our imagining
you created a house, this earth, where love can dwell
clothing her with abundant beauty and amazing complexity.
Forgive us when we participate in the destruction
of our incredible home by simply doing nothing.
Forgive us when we fail to look up and around
dwelling instead only on the path that we daily tread.
Help us to create spaces for delight and joy and wonder.
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison

Christ of the Cross in times long past and with us now
you reshape the lives of people around you with love
calling us into complex, beautiful and life giving relationships.
Forgive us when we look at people and see the other
instead of your face, your love, your grief, your hope.
Forgive us when we fail to listen to the voice of prophets
who come bearing witness to your grace and forgiveness.
Help us to be present and open to love in all our relationships.
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison

Holy Spirit source of healing and abundant joy
you breathe through us giving life and voice to
our dreams, our visions, our longings for justice for all.
Forgive us when our voices falter as those with the
loudest voices strive for power and control over others.
Forgive us when we fail to name and love and treasure
all your children, all who long to dwell in your house.
Help us to laugh and cry, to welcome all in your name.
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison

In ancient times Joseph dreamed and his brothers hated him.
The seeds of hate and division lie within all of us
and are at work in our world, in the lives of ordinary people
pathways to the destruction of all that God has created
germinating through the loud and aggressive denial of love.
Hear then this good news, Jesus came saying yes to love
yes to the transforming power of grace
yes to the healing of divisions.
In the name and in the words of Christ I declare that
‘Your sin is forgiven’ Thanks be to God. Amen

Saide Cameron, offered for worship, 20/8/17

Prayers of the People

God of grace and love,
Who weaves us together in the fabric of community,
Diverse, colourful and beautiful,
Hear our prayers as we offer them to you in this place. 

Loving God, we lift our voices to you,
As we stumble in the darkness of our blindness
Help us see,
Help us to see the things that break your heart,
That we may respond with your love,
With your compassion,
In so doing, may we be your faithful witnesses. 

Where there are lies
May we speak truth,
Where there is bitterness
May we love with tenderness,
Where there is hatred,
May we act with love and compassion,
And where there is violence
May we be agents of peace. 

Help us this day to be aware of those who are homeless,
Who are hungry,
Who are struggling with mental illness and addiction.
We lift them up to you, Lord,
With the hope of healing
But also in solidarity with their struggles,
Knowing that the burden is lessened in the sharing,
And hearts are healed in companionship.
We give you thanks for this congregation
And for the place of refuge
they have provided here for 10 years. 

Our nation is divided and tense at this time,
Lord, we pray that healing and reconciliation may occur.
Where imaginary lines are drawn between peoples
We pray for the healing of division
and a commitment to reconciliation.
We pray that this church and others like it
will be a place of healing,
Where enmity may be put aside
And common commitments may be found. 

In this world of lies,
Fake news, half truths, misinformation and falsehood
We pray that truth may prevail
Your truth, Lord
May we be bearers of truth
Speakers of truth. 

We confess our failure to speak and act when injustice occurs,
We confess our complicity in the web of deceit,
We fool only ourselves,
We ask your forgiveness,
Have mercy on us.

We resolve to act,
In spite of ourselves,
Our fears and anxieties,
Our questions and doubts,
Help us to be strong and resolute in our commitment to you,
A commitment that weaves itself into the fabric of community,
Diverse, colourful, loving, faithful.  Amen

Peter Blair, offered for worship 20/8/17