
Our congregation and community life is greatly enriched by the participation of young adults.  Many are involved in worship, leading the youth group or assisting with the Sunday Morning program.  Some are members of committees (worship, justice and mission, discipleship & education) and others are volunteers at our Olive Way program.

Older Group

For those young adults aged 16-25, you might enjoy being part of our Feasting Table. On the third Sunday of the month, at 6pm, we hold a meal, discussion, and an opportunity to explore faith & discipleship.

Interested? Contact Cath on 0438 504 394

Brunswick Uniting has two units that house up to five students in each. This Student Housing Program (SHP) has run for more than 20 years. In that time dozens of students have come, been a part of the life of our church and community, and had the chance to learn and grow together.


Nicole and Ian are organising a time for milliennials to get together for a conversation about how people in this age group can support each other.  Contact Nicole, ‭0412 317 075‬, if you want to know more or have ideas to share.

Baptism & Confirmation

Baptism together with the reaffirmation of baptism called confirmation is one of the key sacraments of our faith which Jesus commanded his church to observe. Baptism marks the entry into Christ’s family. It is a sign of God’s grace and love, and a call to discipleship. At our baptism we make a powerful confession of faith and vow to live a life of worship, witness and service. To prepare for baptism we enter into a period of deep prayerful reflection and learning. Usually at our church this is done through the Deepening Faith or Persian Bible Study groups.